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Aspiration Lessons

Name of LessonVideo InstructionsPre-TestClick Here and Find LinkPost-TestObjectives
1. Careers and Skill Matching

Instructional VideoPre TestSkills MatcherPost TestYou will identify and explore careers that are a good match for your skills and strengths.
2. Careers and Interest MatchingInstructional VideoPre TestCareers and Interest MatchingPost TestYou will learn about the careers that match your interests.
3. What's a STEM Career?Instructional VideoPre TestInfo about STEMPost TestYou will obtain information about STEM careers, including academic requirements and wages.
4. Cost of LivingInstructional VideoPre TestCost of LivingPost TestYou will learn that the cost of living differs across the US and how to find what it is for a giving place.
5. College Score CardInstructional VideoPre TestCollege Score CardPost TestYou will learn to use the College Scorecard website.
6. NC Promise and Carolina CovenantInstructional VideoPre TestCarolina Covenant

NC Promise
Post TestYou will learn about the NC Promise Tuition Plan and the Carolina Covenant
7. Tuition-Free Colleges

Instructional VideoPre TestCollege Score CardPost TestYou will learn about low-cost and tuition-free colleges and the populations they serve.
8. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)Instructional VideoPre TestFAFSA

FAFSA 4caster

FAFSA Requirements
Post TestYou will learn about the FAFSA form and will commit to completing it by the annual deadline.
9. ScholarshipsInstructional VideoPre TestScholarship Search Engine

College Board Scholarship Search
Post TestYou will learn to use a scholarship search engine.
10. Pell Grants

Instructional VideoPre TestPell GrantsPost TestYou will learn about Pell grants and who qualifies for these federal grants.
11. College Costs by by Subject-Area MajorInstructional VideoPre TestCollege CostsPost TestYou will learn to explore the cost of college by subject-area major.
12. ACT AcademyInstructional VideoPre TestACT AcademyPost TestYou will learn to use the ACT Academy website to raise your ACT scores.
13. Practicing MathInstructional VideoPre TestKhan Academy

Post TestYou will explore different websites for practicing and reviewing before math standardized tests to determine which you like best.
14. Higher level math instructionInstructional VideoPre TestBrilliant

MIT Open Courses
Post TestStudents will learn about high-quality, free online resources for learning higher level mathematics.
15. ASVABInstructional VideoPre TestASVAB Practice Tests
Post TestYou will learn about the ASVAB (Armed Services Variable Aptitude Battery) and free resources for raising your ASVAB score.
16. Using the Aspirations Survey to explore customized resource links

Instructional VideoPre TestAspirations SurveyPost TestYou will learn about different resources by exploring the Aspiration Surveys as hypothetical students.
17. Creating a PlanInstructional VideoPre TestAspirations SurveyPost TestYou will learn about information that is relevant to your financial, academic, and desired pathways and create a plan for your pathway.
18. From Aspiration to Accomplishment

Instructional VideoN/ASee HandoutPost TestYou will demonstrate what they have learned from the Aspirations lesson plans.